Pandora’s Box – A Year in Memories

Pandora, sweetheart,

It’s been too long since I last wrote to you. I hope you’ll understand, what with everything that’s happened. It’s like I’ve been living in a dream.

You’ve started painting, which was a suprise. I came up from the gym to find you covered in the stuff, just like when you were a toddler! You looked so proud of what you were doing, both then and now. It’s a lovely picture, Panda-bear. You’ll get better with practice, but nothing quite beats the feeling you get with your first completed piece, does it?


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Pandora’s Box – Family By Choice


When I woke up from my nap this evening, I thought you’d gone and hijacked a tractor. There was a faint rumbling sound coming from outside, and as far as I knew we didn’t have anything that could be causing it. I had to investigate, of course.


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Pandora’s Box – Whispers of Happiness

Dear Diary,

Today’s the day! I’m so excited that I just want to throw my book across the room, invent time travel and make it 3pm already! Of course, I’d have to make sure no one else had beaten me to the invention. If they have, I can just go over to them, nick it, learn how it was made, travel to before they created it and say it’s mine.


Or just ask them if I could borrow it. Either works.

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Pandora’s Box – We’re Gonna Need A Bigger Box (Or At Least A Bigger Chapter)


I don’t know where you got such a dirty mouth, but I know it wasn’t from me! If it had been, I’d know what you were saying (as it is, I can only guess, but it sounds bad.)


I know why you’re doing it – the regular shouts of ‘Ouch’ clear that mystery right up. Still, that’s no excuse for swearing, even in another language.

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Pandora’s Box – Youth and Beauty

Dear Panda,

I’m worried about you. You’ve hardly grown in the last few years, but you’re starting to get all the symptoms that you had before your last big shift. You’re shedding more frequently, you’re chewing on things you shouldn’t and your muscles keep spasming. I don’t think you’ve had a good night’s sleep in a week or so.


I’m expecting your next shift to happen soon, so I’ll stock up on things that might make it less painful. Maybe some snake oil will help your skin come off easier – it should make your new scales more comfortable, too. As for the rest, I’ll keep looking in my herpetology books.

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Lori – Sienna: Letter 7

Response to Sienna – Lori 6

Lady Sienna,

10-21-17_12-30-39 PM

Thank you for what you said – I feel a lot better now. I suppose I was expecting too much of myself. As for the way I behaved… well, when you’re a captain and something isn’t going your way, you yell and people listen, correct? I think that’s what I was trying to do. When the crew was playing around and she wanted them quiet (and they weren’t looking at her so the disappointed face wasn’t working), she’d shout something like Listen up you mangy curs, or have your ears grown infested with lice? or Behave, or it’s the kraken for you!

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Chapter 28 – Perfection is a Lie

Content warning: Supernatural violence, a bit more swearing than normal, dwelling on mortality. All that fun stuff. There is a wonky-looking house though, which might help even things out.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

A pause.

Louder. TAP TAP TAP.

“I’m coming, I’m coming.” Claude dragged his feet across the cold stone floor towards the door. “You know, Rubes, you can always just climb onto the roof if you lock yourself out. It’s not like we have a massive hole in the ceiling or anything.” Maybe he was laying on the sarcasm a bit thick. Probably not, but there was always a chance.

AMB 28 001

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Pandora’s Box – The (Love) Doctor

Dear Diary,

Today is the day of the pool party. I know I said I didn’t mind missing it, but I lied. I really, truly wanted to meet others like me – especially after the letter I just got.

Sept isn’t going to be singing anymore, and it’s my fault. He said it’s not, but it kind of is. It’s my fault, his fault, everyone’s fault for being so YOBASKA confusing!


Maybe the fact that I learnt that word from him proves his point – I’m sure he never meant me to hear it. It’s a fun word though. Yobaska. YOBASKA!

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